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Install CentOS 7 – CentOS 7 is Here!

We all know CentOS – Community Enterprise Operating System as a linux distribution aiming at enterprise class community-supported computing platform.

CentOS aims to be 100% compatible with it’s upstream source Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). CentOS 7 was released on 7 th of July 2014 (RHEL 7 on 10th of June 2014) and its brings some major differences from it’s predecessor CentOS 6.

Only emphasising some of the big ones:

So overall there is a quite significant difference first time running CentOS 7. What i noticed first was a quite fast boot time – faster than with CentOS 6. Next to mention is the change to systemd – this is quite a change from administration system point of view. No more “/etc/init.d/sshd start” commands but instead using “systemctl start sshd“!

Ifconfig is also gone so we all need to start using “ip addr list” and Grub2 is here so learn how to use it – mostly how to manually boot your system with Grub2 in case you ever need it! Finally Apache version from official repositories is 2.4.6 and MySQL Server is ditched from official repos – instead you can find MariaDB.

Let’s Install CentOS 7!

1. Download CentOS 7 ISO

CentOS 7 ISO is available for download HERE.

2. Boot CentOS 7 ISO

Since we will be installing CentOS 7 on a virtual machine we have created a new VM and loaded CentOS 7 ISO.

Install CentOS 7 - Boot ISO
Install CentOS 7 – Boot ISO

3. Choose Installation Language

Please choose the installation language in this step.

Install CentOS 7 - Installation Language
Install CentOS 7 – Installation Language

4. Installation Summary

Here is a summary of everything needed to configure in order to start installing CentOS 7 on your system.

Install CentOS 7 - Installation Summary
Install CentOS 7 – Installation Summary

5. Date and Time

Please configure the date and time of your operating system.

Install CentOS 7 – Date and Time

6. Keyboard Layout

Please select your keyboard layout.

Install CentOS 7 – Keyboard Layout

7. Installation Source

Choose the installation source – usually CD/DVD ROM.

Install CentOS 7 – Installation Source

8. Software Selection

Choose the software you want to install.

Install CentOS 7 – Software Selection

9. Installation Destination (Partitioning 1)

Please choose the disk you want to install operating system on. Also check the box “I will configure partitioning” to manually partition the disk.

Install CentOS 7 – Installation Destination (Partitioning 1)

10. Manual Partitioning (Partitioning 2 & 3)

Configure partitions as desired and write changes to disk.

Install CentOS 7 – Manual Partitioning (Partitioning 2)
Install CentOS 7 – Manual Partitioning (Partitioning 3)

11. Network & Hostname

Configure networking and hostname.

Install CentOS 7 – Network & Hostname

12. Begin Installation

Finally start the CentOS 7 installation.

Install CentOS 7 – Begin Installation

13. User Settings

There aretwo more things to configure… Choose the root password and create a user if needed.

Install CentOS 7 – User Settings
User Settings (root password)
User Settings (user creation)

14. Installation Completed

When the CentOS 7 installation has completed click the “Reboot” button.

Install CentOS 7 – Installation completed

15. Login Prompt

After a reboot you will be welcomed by a CentOS 7 login prompt. Enter the username and password you configured in Step 13.

Install CentOS 7 – Login Prompt


Overall the CentOS 7 made one more step towards Fedora – wether we like it or not!

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