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Configure NFS server on CentOS 6
Learn Step-by-Step How To configure NFS server on CentOS 6! Want to do it the easy way? Download GeekPeek.Net NFS server configuration bash script!
Learn Step-by-Step How To configure NFS server on CentOS 6! Want to do it the easy way? Download GeekPeek.Net NFS server configuration bash script!
How to configure Disk Encryption on CentOS 6.x? Read my Step-by-step guide or do it the easy way, download GeekPeek.Net Disk Encryption Bash script!
A while ago i wrote an article about Nagios migration to a new Linux server. This project also included migration of Pnp4nagios data. Since i was migrating Nagios to a new architecture (i386 -> x86_64) i had to convert RRD files to XML, transfer them to the new server and convert them back from XML to RRD. […]
Tagged with: allposts, centos6, migrate, pnp4nagios
DRBD® refers to block devices designed as a building block to form high availability (HA) clusters – Distributed Replicated Block Device. This is done by mirroring a whole block device via an assigned network. Distributed Replicated Block Device can be understood as network based raid-1. So, Distributed Replicated Block Device is actually a network based RAID 1. You are configuring DRBD […]
There are many situations in which someone would like to configure network bonding or channel bonding on a server… In most cases it is done for the network card redundancy. You can bond two network cards together in an “active/backup” configuration and in case one of your network cards fails all of the traffic will […]
Tagged with: allposts, centos6, configure, networking
PNP is an addon to Nagios which analyzes performance data provided by plugins and stores them automatically into RRD-databases (Round Robin Databases, see RRD Tool). It analyzes performance data provided by Nagios and stores them in RRD-databases. RRD Tool enables you to view performance and availability graphs for your Nagios services or hosts. PNP4Nagios Broker […]
Thanks to guys from CentALT RPM Repository you can now install Nagios 3.5.0 RPM on CentOS. Nagios 3.5.0 RPM is available in their repository so all you need to do is add their CentALT and EPEL repo to your servers and run “yum install nagios”! Here is a Step-by-Step guide on how to get […]
Lately i was migrating my Nagios monitoring server to a new hardware and also a new CentOS version (CentOS 5.9 -> CentOS 6.4). It was a completely new server with new Linux OS installed and everything was configured perfectly. When i migrated Nagios data to a newly installed server and switched the IP addresses, i started […]
About Nagios Configuration This is a quick manual on Nagios configuration files. We will be explaining which configuration files you need to edit to add hosts, services, contacts and groups. Learn how to configure your Nagios from Linux console and check the configuration for errors. In this Nagios configuration How To guide we will explain most of […]
About My Nagios Migration I just finished a project of Nagios migration to a new hardware and also a newer CentOS version and architecture. The IP address of the Nagios server didn’t change! I was migrating Nagios from CentOS 5.9 32bit to CentOS 6.4 64bit and of course the objective was to transfer all of […]
About NagVis NagVis is an addon to Nagios monitoring and alerting system. It is a way to vizualize Nagios data. It enables you to create maps and schemas of a part or the whole server and network infrastructure. Viewing these maps you can quickly see which hosts and services or even branches of your company […]
About MK Livestatus MK Livestatus is a completely new approach for accessing status and also historic data from hosts and services in Nagios monitoring and alerting system. Livestatus does not actively write out data. Instead, it opens a socket by which data can be retrieved on demand. The socket allows you to send a request […]
Tagged with: allposts, centos6, install, livestatus