About NagVis
NagVis is an addon to Nagios monitoring and alerting system. It is a way to vizualize Nagios data. It enables you to create maps and schemas of a part or the whole server and network infrastructure. Viewing these maps you can quickly see which hosts and services or even branches of your company are up and running and which not.
IMPORTANT! NagVis requires MK Livestatus to be installed. To view MK Livestatus install guide you click here.

Let’s install NagVis!
1. Check services
Check Nagios Core and MK Livestatus are running OK. Before we can start installing we need to check that Nagios Core and MK Livestatus are successfully installed on our server!
Quick check – find livestatus.so and check nagios service status:
find / -name livestatus.so service nagios status
2. Download NagVis
Download the latest tar from http://www.nagvis.org/ and transfer it to server.
3. Install dependencies
yum install php-gd php-mbstring php-pdo graphviz graphviz-graphs perl-GraphViz graphviz-doc rsync -y
4. Extract tar package
tar -xvzf nagvis-VERSION.tar.gz
5. Run install script
Run install script and go through the installation process – the main thing is that you specify the correct path to your MK Livestatus socket:
cd nagvis-VERSION ./install.sh
When installation is complete something like this will print out with all of the information necessary to access the web frontend:
Installation complete | | | | You can safely remove this source directory. | | | | For later update/upgrade you may use this command to have a faster update: | | ./install.sh -n /usr/local/nagios -p /usr/local/nagvis -l "unix:/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/live" -b mklivestatus -u apache -g apache -w /etc/httpd/conf.d -a y | | | What to do next? | | - Read the documentation | | - Maybe you want to edit the main configuration file? | | Its location is: /usr/local/nagvis/etc/nagvis.ini.php | | - Configure NagVis via browser | | <http://localhost/nagvis/config.php> | | - Initial admin credentials: | | Username: admin | | Password: admin |
You can now add and configure your hosts and services in your web frontend accessible at http://hostname.domainname/nagvis or http://IPADDR/nagvis.
Pingback: Nagios Core 3.5.0 CentOS install
Pingback: MK Livestatus CentOS install