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Collective Bargaining Agreement Labor Law

At the end of the temporary victim`s incapacity to work, the employer or his authorized representative communicates to the competent national labour authority and, if necessary, to the territory supervisory authority, information on the consequences of the accident in the production and measures taken to prevent accidents. All staff, including their leaders, receive health and safety training and have their knowledge of health and safety requirements tested, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation. After obtaining a right (declaration) from the electoral trade union body, the National Labour Inspectorate must carry out the inspection within a month at the latest after receiving the claim and reproach the employer for a binding directive, which renders the local rule null and fin for non-compliance with the offences. The rights and obligations of the employer in labour relations are exercised by: the person acting as an employer, the governing bodies of the corporation (the organization) or the governing bodies of the corporation (organisation), other normative acts, the constituent documents of the legal person (organization) and local normative acts. The duration of the contract is fixed by the parties, but may not exceed three years. The parties have the right to extend the contract for up to three years. The agreement applies to workers and employers who have authorized representatives of the social partners to prepare and conclude them on their behalf, public authorities and self-management bodies as part of their obligations, as well as workers and employers who joined the agreement after the agreement was concluded. The collective agreement may prescribe other categories of workers who may benefit from the preferential right to wealth, while they have the same qualifications and the same productivity rates as others. In the context of the contract relating to the material liability of the damage, the values are entrusted to the category of persons who are identified in advance and who is entirely responsible for the lack of values.